The very idea of Escapade Lite is rooted in the wandering, soul searching nature of mine which was always inside me but only got accentuated when I truly got the opportunity to explore, wander and experience the many wonders of this world. The thrill and excitement my travels brought to me, fueled up the desire to do more and share the joy with the people who like me, wanted to travel, experience and enjoy on their own terms. The idea of following a group tour itinerary, roaming about in a bus, tied to the last minute of the hour, never inspired me and so I made my own itineraries after extensive reading and researching. I always liked to know the history, geography and sometimes even geology of the places I visited. Being an Environmental Engineer and an explorer’s soul that I am, I always wanted to know some scientific significance, some archeological history, the art and culture of the places I visited. I realized how daunting a task it is to design a holiday in a way that fulfills all my interests and activities as well as is efficient and smooth in terms of connections and accessibility. Talking to friends and sharing my adventures with friends, I found out I love talking about my travels and how I designed them and that not everyone finds it fascinating to spend hours and hours on planning and getting exhausted even without having set upon the journey yet. 

I started passing my itineraries along to my friends which even included information of what to eat and where to get the authentic food with time management and everything that one needs to worry about, while on a holiday. I got praises and gratitude but the realization, that sharing my experiences have taken a sense of purpose and passion, came to me, when for the very first time, I planned a two weeks holiday for friends who came to visit me in Italy and wanted to take advantage of someone who lived like a local. The comfort, the ease and the great experience they had during their holiday, not to mention the money they saved, made them strongly urge me to start it as a business, as they could see the sparkle in my eyes and the spring in my step while showing them the places I loved.

I thought about it long and hard and finally came to a decision that it is my true love and passion that people should see my beloved Europe through my eyes, but still experience it in a personalized way and not break their banks while doing so. 

At Escapade Lite, we plan your perfect escapade, according to your own preferences and choices, making you stress free and making a dream holiday true for you. Experienced in planning customized trips in Europe, we give you real experiential travelling according to your own interests and budget. You chose the locations and we turn them into cherishable memories for a lifetime. 

Escapade Lite bridges the gap between a travel package and a guided tour, providing customized itinerary, detailed to your choice and giving you complete peace of mind. It guides you through the journey but always provides you the freedom and a sense of control that you deserve. There is no fear of having to be late for the tour bus or to catch the group while not being able to stay and admire the place that “you” want. Your itinerary is designed to “your” pheasibility and that of your wallet’s. You are not part of a big impersonal hopping of major European cities half day each, while enjoying nothing. You are not tied to an inflexible schedule, rather you are the owner of your own time.